Jessica Lily Schweber
President and Lead Artist
  Jessica was born in Atlanta, Georgia to two very computer-savvy, highly creative, and entrepreneurial parents. Excelling at science and finding a strong love for dance in her younger years, early on she struggled at finding a middle ground between science and art. Being an only child, she found refuge in computer games as an endless source of entertainment. At 13, she and her parents moved to Arizona for a change of scenery, spending the next 4 years there in a liberal high school nestled in the red rocks of Sedona. Having believed her entire life that she could never be an artist because she had poor drawing skills, Jessica tried her hand at working in clay one day, and a whole new world opened up to her. She spent every spare moment creating every wondrous thing that flowed out of her imagination, using sculpture, writing, and even painting to express herself in ways she had never even imagined.
Not believing becoming an artist was a viable life choice, though, when it came time to go to college she chose a double major in chemistry and art at UC Santa Cruz. Intending on becoming a marine biologist, getting as far away from computers as possible, Jessica focused on her science classes and even took up rowing to get used to spending time out on the water. But an unhappiness with the environment and frustration at being unable to continue her art led Jessica to reevaluate her goals, and she enrolled at the California College of Arts and Crafts with a major in sculpture.
In 2003, Jessica took some summer classes in CG art and game design, leading her to realize again that her current path was not, in fact, the one she wished to continue with. She loved creating things and being an artist, but the life of a fine artist, showing in galleries, appealing to critics, etc. was not something she was interested in. Trying to segue into game design, she designed her final art project around creating a sculptural, interactive installation, technically a game, and finding ways to bring her imagination to life and pulling others in as well. After graduating and finding the game industry difficult to break into, Jessica began working on creating graphic design and UI elements for a local software and consulting company and building various websites. Now she continues to move forward blending the things she loves with the things she excels at, but above all, following her bliss.
© 2006 Jessica Lily Schweber. All Rights Reserved.